Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma

Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma or Journal of Multiparadigm Accounting (JAMAL), is a pioneer in the field of accounting with multiparadigm perspectives. With multiparadigm perspectives, it is possible for JAMAL to publish scientific articles that are innovative and creative, which leads to the birth of accounting innovation as well as practices. JAMAL has been published since April 2010 by Universitas Brawijaya. Since 2014, JAMAL has been collaborating with Masyarakat Akuntansi Multiparadigma Indonesia/Multiparadigm Accounting Society of Indonesia (MAMI). JAMAL is quarterly issued on April-August, August-December, and December-April. JAMAL also uses LOCKSS system to ensure a secure and permanent archive for the journal. Today, JAMAL is indexed in Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ), Google Scholar, and Sinta. Since 2015, JAMAL is  member of CrossRef, therefore each article will own a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number. JAMAL is also associated with Aliansi Pengelola Jurnal Berintegritas Indonesia/The Alliance of Journal Managers with Integrity in Indonesia (ALJEBI), Alternative Accounting Research Network (AARN), and Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia/Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants (IAI) to continuously improve its quality.

e-ISSN: 2089-5879 and p-ISSN: 2086-7603




Statement of Integrity

Journal of Multiparadigm Accounting (JAMAL) emphasises integrity in the article review process, from submission to publication. We never promise LOA as long as the article has not met the substance standard and reviewed by at least two external examiners (there is no timeline for when the article is started until it is approved). In addition, we never collaborate with any agency in the article publishing process. We also do not accept fast track publication facilities (all authors must follow normal publication requirements). We hope that all authors will follow every review process in JAMAL that has been systemised in OJS.  
Posted: 2024-01-19 More...

Call for Papers: ULUNG JAMAL 2023


Writing a scientific article, especially for publication in a journal, is not an easy matter. There are many processes that writers have to go through, from reviewing the editorial team, plagiarism, partnering and editing of articles to publication in print and online. Those who make it through the article publication process should be proud.


To motivate writers to improve the quality of articles, JAMAL organizes "Ulung JAMAL". This program is a form of appreciation for the best article writers for each number.


Posted: 2023-07-02 More...

The Winners of ULUNG JAMAL 2022


We thank you for the participation of all authors who have submitted articles to the Journal of Multiparadigm Accounting. Based on the review of the article by taking into account the substance of the article, the submission process, and the External Reviewers' input, the Editorial Board announces the winners of ULUNG JAMAL 2022 as follows:

Posted: 2023-06-22 More...
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