Journal History

Journal of Multiparadigm Accounting (JAMAL) is a journal published by the Accounting Department of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Brawijaya and Masyarakat Akuntansi Multiparadigma Indonesia which was published the first time on April 1, 2010, and regularly every four months (April, August, and December). JAMAL is a journal with specific names and specializes in developing new, creative and innovative accounting sciences. This particularity is explicitly mentioned by the name "multiparadigm." Multiparadigmatic accounting development is the latest trend in accounting science. The development of multiparadigm accounting is also the result of benchmarking with reputable international journals such as Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Accounting Organization and Society, ABACUS, and Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal.

From the perspective of content, JAMAL contains articles that provide the latest accounting theory and practice, the sophistication of the multiparadigmatic viewpoint with various methodologies (positivist, interpretive, critical, postmodern, religious, spiritual, divine, and nusantara paradigm). Also, there is a novelty of the findings of accounting science because the completeness of cultivation is not merely replicating previous research. Therefore, almost all articles have clarity on the meaning of new findings, ideas, and thoughts.

JAMAL's writing style has complied with the JAMAL uniformity rules, in which the citation standard has been updated since Volume 4 and has been better applied to all JAMAL articles. To improve the quality and readability of citations, since Volume 8, JAMAL uses the American Psychological Association (APA) citation standard by consistently using reference applications (Mendeley).